Red-Black Tree
Red-Black Tree
A Red-Black Tree should satisfy the following four conditions:
It’s a binary search tree.
The root and leaves are black.
There are no two consecutive red nodes.
Every path from a node to its leaf nodes has the same number of black nodes.
When inserting a node, the default color is red.
- If the inserted node is the root, change it to black.
- If the inserted node’s uncle is red, recolor the parent, uncle, and grandparent (f, u, g) to maintain balance, with g becoming the new insertion node.
- If the inserted node’s uncle is black, apply rotations and recoloring (depending on LL, RR, LR, RL cases):
- LL: Right rotation.
- RR: Left rotation.
- LR: Left rotation on the left child followed by a right rotation.
- RL: Right rotation on the right child followed by a left rotation.
- Node with only left or right child: Replace the node with its child and recolor it to black.
- Node with no children:
- If the node is red: No adjustment is needed after deletion.
- If the node is black (resulting in double black):
- Sibling (s) is black:
- If s has at least one red child: Use rotations (LL, RR, LR, RL) and recoloring to resolve the double black:
- LL, RR: Recolor by setting the red node (r) to the sibling (s), s to parent (p), and p to black.
- LR, RL: Recolor by setting the red node (r) to p, and p to black.
- If s has all black nodes: Change s to red and move the double black upwards. When a red node or the root is encountered, convert the double black to a single black.
- If s has at least one red child: Use rotations (LL, RR, LR, RL) and recoloring to resolve the double black:
- Sibling (s) is red:
- Recolor s and p, and rotate towards the double black node to balance the tree.
- Sibling (s) is black:
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